I already have a camera, so Now What?!

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2018

Raising a family seems like a roller coaster of ups and downs but when we can remember those loopty-loops with great photos, they all have so much more meaning down the road. Our family has experienced so much more bonding with our kids as they grew because of the photos, videos, and albums we've created; sometimes in the most unexpected ways. We also experienced the overwhelm of camera settings first hand when we first started taking our photography courses and the teachers made it feel like so many settings to think about at once. As we started our own photography studio and strived to photograph our own kids, we learned it didn't need to feel overwhelming to get those photos you dream of having for your family to cherish.

As Kirk has taught photography over the past 6 years he's developed a simplified method to taking your photos called the "Set It & Forget It" method. When he taught me his system for making it easy to use manual mode I(Kim) was floored. I had spent years trying to juggle so many settings at once and figure out which one needed adjusting in any given moment. I was doing it the complicated way, and it worked fine for me... but now that I've learned to "Set It & Forget It" I never would want to go back. Kirk has done such an amazing job making it all easy and this course covers everything a beginner photographer wants as well as everything us professional photographers enjoy refreshers on.

We are excited to announce Now What?! Photography with Kirk & Kim, a course for all of us parents that could use a refresher on using all those settings on our camera... to get amazing family photos. 

To check it out go to www.kmfamilyacademy.com


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